Floating Islands

Over the past couple of years, we have started to love, love, love floating plant islands! They are nothing new, but we have been building them in so many different ways -- there are so many options!

Here's the great part --  not only are they beautiful, but they are so beneficial to your pond!  How so?  

Let's look at it...

Aquatic plants are really great at filtering pond water.  Now, not all aquatic plants are equal when it comes to filtering. To keep both green water and string algae from entering the picture, your pond really needs marginal plants also known as shallow water plants.

The problem is that many DIY ponds are build in a way that doesn't allow for shallow water plants. If they have a shelf, often times it is too deep for shallow water plants to live. So in comes the floating island!

So many options.  Here's what you can use...

Hardy plants so your island will grow back each year
Using hardy plants means they will go dormant in the winter but then grow back the next year.  This is a great way to cut costs with your floating island. All you will need to do in subsequent years is to fertilize the plants and maybe thin them as they grow too large for the island.

Tropical plants for a big impact
If you want all summer blooming and vibrant colors, choose tropical plants.  Tropical plants put on so much more of a show!  At the end of the year, discard the plants and replant next year.

Mix the two types
You can also plant a mixture of hardy and tropical plants. The hardy plants will continue to grow year after year and you will only need to add a couple tropical plants next year.

Now I haven't tried other annual terrestrial plants, but impatiens love having their "feet wet" so they do great.  Obviously you will add them each year, but who couldn't love an annual bedding plant that will never need watering?  Win, win!

How do you make a floating island?
It is so easy!  First off get one of our islands like the photo above.  I have tried several on the market and I feel this is the best one. It comes like this all ready to go.  It stays upright and balanced which is what I really like.

We like to add 5 to 7 plants in it (4-5" pots).  Fill the remainder with potting soil. Since it's going to be in the water, we use aquatic soil or straight peat moss. You want a soil without a lot of extra "stuff" that can leach into your pond water. Fertilize it with pond tabs and your are done!

For extra measure, we add a weight to the island to keep it from floating around too much.

So pretty and fun to build. If you are in our area, stop in and we will help you build yours!


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