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Your Water Garden Guide: Summer Edition

Oh Summer! Hopefully your water feature has settled down for the season. The plants are blooming. Your fish are swimming happily. You have clear water and string algae is being kept at bay. Here are some tips for caring for your pond now that it's summer... Be mindful of how and what you are feeding your fish . As customers with green water visit Cool Ponds we find that many of the green water problems can be traced to the type of food they're using and how often. Just because you purchased food at a pet store doesn't mean its good food. And if you bought it at a box might as well dump fish waste right into your pond. Poor food = poor water quality. All the food we carry at Cool Ponds is high quality . And never feed fish as much as listed on the fish food label! Only feed them what they'll eat in a minute or two, once a day max. Use beneficial bacteria weekly . Don't wait to add it once there's a problem. Use it regularly to keep you

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