Change Can Be Good... Very Good!

This post was written in 2014 when we remodeled the front of our store. As of 2019, the front has been remodeled twice more! We are always changing our display gardens, so check with us often.

Have You Considered a Change Lately?

This year has brought lots of change to Cool Ponds and our family. Change can be hard, but everyone needs to grow and evolve, right? Of course our most visible change is the front of our store. Just like most pond owners, we were ready for a redo.

cool ponds display pond
This is the finished version of our 2014 remodel. 

As I was looking through photos for this article, I came across some photos from an earlier blog post of our original pond at our home. In front of it is our daughter Taylor.

Taylor in front of our first pond 1996 -- first day of preschool, age 3.

 Then I remembered her graduation photos. She and the back yard have changed a little.

Taylor in front of pond #3. May 2012

Of course Steven was always in our ponds too.

Steven in pond #2, June 2003
Now he builds them. (As of 2018, Steven is our Project Manager. He designs all the work we do!)

Steven in the Bobcat during the 2014 reconstruction of our
store pond. School was closed for snow but there was
work to be done!

So I feel like we've come full circle. It's all so new here at Cool Ponds and our kids are so involved with the business (their choice!) What a difference 10 years makes!

Steven Jr., Kasey, Steve, and Taylor on a recent family
vacation. We are truly blessed. 

So what's new in your water gardening life? Is it time for your re-do? We're certainly seeing a lot of that this year!

Thanks for viewing the family photo album. Don't be afraid of change... welcome it. You never know what it will bring.

Did I say Cool Ponds is a family business?

Written by Cool Ponds co-owner
and proud mom Staci


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