Why Is Your Pond Water Cloudy?
Clear water is what we strive for. If you're struggling to clear your water, you may be treating the wrong symptoms. The most common issue pond owners deal with in the summer is their water clarity. And every summer is different. Heat, rain, lack of rain, each issue can cause different problems in your water feature. If you're in a battle with water clarity, first you need to know what you're fighting. In the pond it's difficult to determine the issue. Take a clear glass and scoop out some of your pond water. Check below to see what type of issue you're facing: The photo above is water is green! You have a crop of single-celled algae. Follow our instructions to get your water clear and healthy again. This is a great example of debris in your water. It's common to confuse green water and debris filled water when looking in your pond. Read on below to see how you can clear this water! So you have determined you have suspended debr...